Downloading and installation guide

This page explains installation of the different CWB projects one-by-one. Each section consists of download links, basic get-started instructions, and pointers on where to find more information.

There are also links to data packages - bundles of corpus data that you can use to test out CWB.

Other pages in this section detail alternate ways to get the Corpus Workbench:

... plus information on the free software/open source licences under which CWB is published.

The recommended version of CWB is currently the stable version 3.5 (or 3.2, in the case of CQPweb). Some older versions, preserved for historical reasons only, are linked below.

We will occasionally add bug-fix releases to the stable versions e.g. 3.5.1, 3.5.2 after the stable version 3.5.0. Normally, you will always want to download the most recent bug-fix release for your OS.

Installing the CWB Core

There are two ways to install CWB: from a release package for your operating system, or by compiling from the source code.

You can browse all the available release files on SourceForge, or just use the links below.

On Linux

You can install CWB very easily on Linux distributions that use either of the two most popular packaging systems. These are the .deb system, for Debian, Ubuntu, and derivatives; and the .rpm system, for Fedora, Red Hat, and derivatives. We also provide a PKGBUILD for Arch Linux.

Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and derivatives

Fedora, Red Hat, and derivatives:

Arch Linux, Manjaro, and friends:

Without package management

On other versions of Linux, or for more control over setup, you should instead download the source code (as a "tarball") and compile/install it. This process can also be used in other Unix and Unix-like environments, e.g. *BSD, Solaris, Cygwin, or MSYS2.

You'll need a working C compiler, as well as some other tools and libraries, in order to complete this procedure. This is explained in the INSTALL file. (The notes on our page on live access to the development version may also be useful.)

There are ready-made compile & install scripts for some widely-used operating systems in the install-scripts/ subdirectory. For instance, a default build for most Linux distros including Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora can be compiled and installed with the single command:

  sudo install-scripts/install-linux
The necessary prerequisites are automatically installed using the distro's package manager.

On Mac OS

Our recommended way of installing the CWB Core on MacOS is via Homebrew. See the official website ( for instructions on how to get Homebrew.

To install the latest stable version of the CWB Core via Homebrew simply run the following command: