- specify p-attribute/value pairs (square brackets are required)
> [pos = "JJ"];
(find adjectives)
> [lemma = "go"];
- "interesting" is an abbreviation for [word = "interesting"]
the implicit attribute in the abbreviated form can be changed with the
DefaultNonbrackAttr option; for instance, enter
> set DefaultNonbrackAttr lemma;
to search for lemmatised words instead of surface forms
- the
and %d
flags can be used with any attribute/value pair
> [lemma = "pole" %c];
- values are interpreted as regular expressions, which the annotation
string must match; add %l flag to match literally:
> [word = "?" %l];
- != operator: annotation must not match regular expression
[pos != "N.*"]
everything except nouns
- [] matches any token (
matchall pattern)
- see Appendix A.2 for a list of useful part-of-speech
tags and regular expressions
- or explore tagging with the /codist[] macro (more on macros in
Sections 6.4 and 6.5):
> /codist["whose", pos];
finds all occurrences of the word whose and computes
frequency distribution of the part-of-speech tags assigned to it
- use a similar macro to find inflected forms of go:
> /codist[lemma, "go", word];
finds all tokens whose lemma attribute has the value go and
computes frequency distribution of the corresponding word forms
- abort query evaluation with Ctrl-C
(does not always work, press twice to exit CQP immediately)